



2014 - 2018Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam
Bachelor of Science (IT-Systems Engineering), final grade 1.9
Specialized in real-time 3D rendering, big data analytics, human computer interaction
2008 - 2014Hermann-von-Helmholtz Secondary School Potsdam
Final grade (Abitur): 1.1
Advanced courses: computer science, math, physics, english, german
Exam subjects: math, computer science, english, economics
2002 - 2008Max-Dortu Elementary School Potsdam

Work Experience

2023 - PresentLead Software Engineer at Open Earth Foundation
Creating open source software to track climate change. Using React, Redux, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Chakra UI, sequelize ORM, Recharts.
2021 - 2023Chief Technological Officer at Realm
Leading three software teams working on a React Native app, a NextJS/ React web frontend, NodeJS/ NestJS backend and a Godot Engine/ Nakama based massively multiplayer online game for Android and iOS, experience in writing Solidity contracts and web3.js/ React frontends for them
2020 - 2021Senior Software Engineer at Domi Labs
Focus on Self-Sovereign Identity, Clojure, NodeJS, React, TypeScript, Python, Continuous Integration
2019 - 2020Freelance Software Engineering for WaterClub
Worked on creating an IOT water dispenser (using Android & Arduino) integrated with a Flutter cross-platform app and Firebase
2019Full Stack Developer & Consultant at Bundesdruckerei
Big Data, Blockchain, React, R, Python, NodeJS, ElasticSearch, SAP
2018 - 2019Software Developer at Unified Technologies Ltd. (London)
Creation of Android Apps, Firebase Backend and Angular Frontend
2017 - 2018Research Assistant at Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam
Human Computer Interaction chair
Research & development of Kyub (Website), a browser-based intuitive 3D editor for laser cutting
Technologies: 3D, WebGL, NodeJS, C++, CGAL, SailsJS, VueJS, CoffeeScript/ TypeScript, AngularJS
2016 - 2017Bachelor project at HPI in cooperation with Commerzbank
Extraction of a german corporate landscape graph
Technologies: Apache Spark, Scala, Cassandra, NodeJS, React
Bachelor’s thesis on Analysis and Simplification of Business Graphs
2014Programmer / electronics engineer at FOG GmbH
Android development interfacing with custom electronics
2013 & 20141st place at 18th & 19th computer science competition Brandenburg
2012 - 2014Linux Server Administrator at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (eLearning and lecture streaming)
2011 - 2013Web Developer at Nerdline GmbH
2011Internship at Freie Universität Berlin, computer science department